These quotes are the closest we can get to the Buddha: they’re from the Tipitaka, the ancient Pali Buddhist scriptures. I’ve replaced the Pali ‘kamma’ with the more common Sanskrit ‘Karma’. The two words mean the same thing.
Monks, these four types of karma have been directly realized, verified, & made known by me. Which four? There is karma that is dark with dark result. There is karma that is bright with bright result. There is karma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result. There is karma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the ending of karma.
Monks, these three are causes for the origination of [karmic] actions. Which three? Greed is a cause for the origination of actions. Aversion is a cause for the origination of actions. Delusion is a cause for the origination of actions.
Anguttara Nikaya, AN 3.33, PTS: A i 134, Thai III.34; BJT III.34, Nidana Sutta
Student, beings are owners of karmas, heirs of karmas, they have karmas as their progenitor, karmas as their kin, karmas as their homing-place. It is karmas that differentiate beings according to inferiority and superiority.
So, Ananda, there is karma that is incapable (of good result) and appears incapable (of good result); there is karma that is incapable (of good result) and appears capable (of good result); there is karma that is capable (of good result) and appears capable (of good result); there is karma that is capable (of good result) and appears incapable (of good result).
Majjhima Nikaya 136: The Great Exposition of Kamma (Mahakammavibhanga Sutta)
Monks, a fool is characterized by his/her actions. A wise person is characterized by his/her actions. It is through the activities of one’s life that one’s discernment shines.
Anguttara Nikaya, AN 3.2, PTS: A i 102, Lakkhana Sutta: Characterized (by Action)
These Buddha quotes on karma explained.
More on karma:
- Karma and Reincarnation in Theosophy, Buddhism
- The karma of disease and health
- Karma and reincarnation books
- Karma and Buddhism – Buddha’s World
- Karma in the Bhagavad Gita | Hinduism and India
- Free will, karma and reincarnation
- Aphorisms on Karma – by W. Q. Judge
- Good karma and money | Karma and Reincarnation
- Intention and Karma | Karma and Reincarnation